Natural Efficiency Seekers!

In everyday life there are a multitude of things that we witness and experience that are less than efficient. These result, at least in our personal lives, in frustration, confusion, or even lost experiences with our family and friends. Bring that to the business world and it has even bigger consequences: lost profit, a revolving door of talent (it’s usually the good ones that leave!), or even business failure.
Our business is founded on the idea that we can be better by helping others be their best. Sometimes efficiencies have a clear KPI, other times they show up directly in the businesses P&L statement. Our training consulting shows up in both by not only making each of your teams individually more efficient, but by linking that training across teams, and helping you retain your talented employees. We do this by capturing their expertise and presenting it in clear, readily consumed pieces that put energy back into the training process and bring average users up to expert level exceedingly fast!
We say that holding a one-time training in person is not successful unless it’s recorded and people have the opportunity to review later, this is where our keen eye for natural efficiency stands out. Without digitizing the content, most attendees will forget greater than 50% of the information in the first 2 weeks, and greater than 90% of that training in 3 months. From your experts (insert “most valuable employees” here) viewpoints, this means that they will have to retrain the same people on the same content in another 6 mo. to a year, and will suffer answering questions that they’ve already explained over and over again. Add this to their already burdensome workload and it’s no wonder that the good employees leave first. ProTrain works with your experts to digitize this content, organize, and publish it for your teams.
The services that we provide hinge on the foundation of your own expert insights and making that broadly available to your teams. While we can provide many different forms of this service, the basic premise revolves around your team, we capture and highlight what your team does best in a digital format that allows you to unleash a much greater potential in your teams efforts.
We work intentionally to provide you content and recommendations that genuinely benefit your teams far beyond the time that we’re able to spend together. You can expect a professional relationship and a residual value in your investment with us through years of employee on-boarding, refresher training, and cross-department learning that can be used time and again. ProTrain, train better!
What we do, and why it matters to you!

Example: SAP Implementation
Our foray into the training genre, when a company was struggling to implement a new MRP system, we developed and implemented our solutions to quickly break down the complexities and give a massive toolset to the employees.

Equipment Expertise
Often times businesses survive on certain pieces of equipment producing at their optimum. Inevitably there are employees that become experts at making these machines perform better than others. We leverage their expertise to train new employees and even off-shift employees to get more out of the same capital investment.

Cross-Team Value Stream
If you ever have a case of ‘the left hand not talking to the right’ we can help! By organizing the digitized content and finding the natural value stream in your business we are able to make you shine. Up and down the value stream your teams will have a much better understanding of what their colleagues do and how they can contribute in the success.
Want to collaborate?
Please submit your contact information and answer the two questions on our ‘Contact Us’ page. Our team will then review and get in touch with you to discuss any questions you may have and how we can work synergistically together to make you shine and unleash your teams full potentials!